Lapsed Rubio Delegates Are Up for Grabs on Convention's First Ballot

A month after dropping out of the Republican presidential race, Marco Rubio is still third in the hunt for delegates but, according to NBC News, several state parties have decided that Rubio will not get to hold all his delegates.

Only 34 of the 172 delegates Rubio won in the primaries will be immediately up for grabs on the first ballot in Cleveland. That development is opening up a fierce competition to win these lapsed Rubio delegates, which are located in Oklahoma, Minnesota and Louisiana.

"Our state rules say if someone is not on the ballot, they are free to vote for whomever they choose," said Oklahoma GOP chair Pam Pollard, "and I support that."

"We have 12 bound delegates for Rubio," she told NBC News, "so if he is not on the ballot — those 12 delegates are free to vote whatever way they want."

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