Poking Is Passe? Then Try Facebook Breeding

Facebook is the largest gaming platform in the world. Facebook was created to provide a way to meet members of the opposite sex.

So forget poking ... FB has graduated to straight-up cyber-breeding, according to SocialTimes.com.

A new game called Incrediland has been created by an academic who was studying dolphin behavior in Hawaii (man, that sounds like a pick-up line, right?). Yuval Amir designed three characters that reflect certain dolphin characteristics: the Zorg, the Gambi and the Boon.

Users buy eggs and then trade with friends to attain the best genetic mixes.

Bang, you're breeding.

There is a genetic calculator that simply reeks of a Gattaca-type world that shows users what the egg will grow up to look like and its dominant characteristics. So there is some educational value here, just not Gregor Mendel-level stuff.

As the reviewer, Megan O'Neill of SocialTimes.com, wrote:

After all, breeding with an "Incredi Friend" robot is fun, but breeding with your real friends is surely a whole lot better. So when you hop on the boat to Incrediland be sure take a couple of friends with you for breeding."

And that goes for Incrediland and spring break.

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