Suspect Slips Off Handcuffs, Escapes Sheriff's Custody

A suspect arrested Friday night slipped off his handcuffs and escaped from sheriff's custody, prompting a manhunt in the Lakeside area.

Nicholas Rodriguez, 18, was taken into custody on suspicion of felony spousal abuse at about 6:30 p.m. and taken to the Lakeside sheriff's office, according to officials.

At the office, Rodriguez managed to get out of his cuffs and took off.

Deputies set up a perimeter to search for the suspect, using K-9 units and a helicopter, but a search for hours turned up nothing.

Finally, residents told deputies about a pile of debris at a neighborhood preschool. When they sent the helicopter over it, deputies were able to pick up Rodriguez' heat signature as he lay in the pile.

He was re-arrested at about 1:25 a.m. Saturday.

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