Tattoo of 152 Facebook Friends a Hoax

A Dutch woman who posted a video of herself getting a tattoo with 152 photos of her Facebook friends, is actually an advertising stunt for a company that makes gifts out of Facebook images.

The Rotterdam tattoo artists admitted to De Telegraaf, a Dutch newspaper, that the tattoo was a actually a temporary one -- a transfer that took a couple of hours to apply and will wash off in a few days, according to Dutch News. The stunt was created by a small Dutch company that specializes in making gifts out of Facebook photos and transfers.

There were certain indicators this might not be real when we reported on this. There was no direct contact with the woman including knowing her name, she never showed her face, and worse -- there was never any blood on her tattoo. And we always thought that tattoo artist dressed in black seemed a bit too anxious.

Still, aren't we all just a little glad that someone isn't tattooing Facebook photos on their arm? Unfriending will always be much less painful that way

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