This Vitamin Pill Cuts Skin Cancer Risk: Researchers

People who took vitamin B3 called nicotinamide pills twice a day cut their risk of the two most common forms of skin cancer by nearly a quarter, Australian researchers reported. The Australian researchers gave have of the 386 people they treated for skin cancer the vitamin and the other half a placebo. After a year, volunteers who took the B3 were 23 percent less likely to have another cancer diagnosis, the team wrote in reports in the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual meeting. "This is the first clear evidence that we can reduce skin cancers using a simple vitamin, together with sensible sun protection. We hope that these findings can be immediately translated into clinical practice," said Diona Damian, a professor of dermatology at the Dermatology University of Sydney who led the study. "However, people at high risk of skin cancer will still need regular check-ups with their doctor."

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