Give Your Holiday Table Some Flair With These Tips

Lifestyle expert, Karina Lopez, is in the California Live studio to help you personalize your decorations this holiday season. As seen on California Live on Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019.

Is your holiday feast looking a little bland? Not the turkey or trimmings, that is, but the presentation? Here are some tips to give your holiday table a little pizzazz.

First, if you have a Cricut, you have all the tools you need, because that little machine can make nearly everything.

You can use your Cricut to personalize the table settings for each of your guests. If you have a regular guest who comes over often, you can print their name on a linen napkin so they always feel at home at your dinner table.

For guests that you don’t see very often or maybe just met--your best friend’s cousin or new boyfriend, for example--you can use the Cricut to make a disposable label to mark a place for them at the table.

If you're looking for a classic and classy touch, consider investing in a Venus Et Fluer bouquet of roses. Though a little expensive, these flowers are low-maintenance and can last up to a year if you take proper care of them... so you might just get two holidays worth out of a bouquet!

For an eco- and kid-friendly piece, you can pick up a special type of organic play dough from It will occupy your knee-high guests, and its natural ingredients mean you don’t have to worry if the kids decide to take a taste alongside their turkey.

For dessert, you can try some Popsicles from If you’ve ever had a cake pop, then you can think of what hello-sweetie-pies has to offer as pie pops available in all your classic holiday flavors.

If you’re looking for a headache-free way to decide on a holiday wine for your dinner party, consider signing up for Winc. Winc is a service that surveys your taste and delivers four bottles of wine--red, white or a combination of both--to your door each month.

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