Travel Ban Makes America Less Safe: Former Senior US Officials

Co-athors of the filing include former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and John Kerry, as well as former NSA Director Michael Hayden and

On Monday, President Donald Trump defended his immigration order that sparked protests at airports around the country, and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer argued the 109 detentions over the weekend was a minor inconvenience to keep America safe. Meanwhile, two new federal lawsuits were filed in Washington state and Virginia, where a Muslim civil rights group argues it’s not...

Ten former senior U.S. diplomats and security officials planned to file an affidavit in a federal appeals court arguing that President Donald Trump's executive order curtailing immigration would actually make America less safe, NBC News reported.

In a brief scheduled to be filed at 3 a.m. ET on Monday the officials slammed Trump's order as "ill-conceived, poorly implemented and ill-explained."

The brief obtained by NBC News was written jointly by two former heads of the CIA, two former Secretaries of State, a former Secretary of Defense, a former Secretary of Homeland Security, and senior officials of the National Security Council.

"This order cannot be justified on national security or foreign policy grounds. It does not perform its declared task of 'protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States.'" the co-authors — Madeleine Albright, John Kerry, Janet Napolitano, Susan Rice, Leon Panetta, John McLaughlin, Avril Haines, Michael Hayden, Lisa Monaco, Michael Morell — wrote in the filing. The list was largely made up of prominent Democrats.

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