Trick-or-Treaters Descend on Steve Jobs' Home

Some Apple fan boys and girls may have paid homage to the late Steve Jobs by dressing up as him for Halloween but others simply knocked on his door and said "trick-or-treat."

The Palo Alto home of Jobs became a popular destination for candy lovers and tech geeks alike Monday night as they descended on the Waverley Street house that the Apple co-founder lived at for so many years.

Jobs' family rewarded the neighbors' courage to knock on their door as well with the sound of thunder from hidden speakers, a row of jack-o-lanterns and dry ice fog to put a fright in children.

A crowd of about 50 people were lined up outside of the house at around 6:30 p.m. when the Jobs family opened the gate in front, according to The Palo Alto Daily.

A pair of boys even dressed as an iPad and an iPod. Families posed with their children for pictures in front of the house.

Three women handed the children "fist-sized cellophane bags filled with orange candy slices, Toblerones and sour drops."

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