Top 5 Insults to the New University of California Logo

Insulting the new University of California logo is a new state sport.

True or false: it took a creative team three years to produce the new University of California logo.

False: It's so hard to get courses these days that nothing can get through UC in less than five years.

Bada bing.

OK, making fun of the University of California and its weird new logo has become a sport. And the weird logo speaks volumes about a once-proud university system that's been subject to constant cuts and that has leaders who can't seem to figure out what to do.

But the intensity of the attacks on the logo go beyond that. There's a visceral hatred of the blue "U-shaped thing" with a yellow sort-of-C inside it. Commentators are competing with each other for the most over-the-top insult.

Here is the Prop Zero's top-five list of insults for the logo.

5. "A worm drowning in water." - @dannysullivan

4. "An egg yolk being flushed down the toilet." -- multiple sources

3. "Whoever signed off on this UC logo should be forced to have it tattooed on their forehead for life." -- multiple sources

 2. "a Swedish flag being flushed down the toilet." -- Aaron Bady, UC doctoral candidate at New Inquiry

1. "Did Stanford design this?" -- Berkeley-based commenter on Oakland Tribune story on logo.

The lesson: it's much better to make a change like this via a public, democratic process or contest-- so you get the nasty comments before a choice is made, and can factor reaction into the decision. UC almost certainly will have to walk this back.

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