New DMVs Open to Accommodate Long Lines, New Immigrant License Applications

California’s Department of Motor Vehicles has begun serving people in the country illegally who are applying to obtain driver’s licenses after the passage of AB60. Lolita Lopez reports from Granada Hills for the NBC4 News at 6 on Monday, Nov. 17, 2014.

Millions of undocumented workers in California have been waiting for the opportunity to apply for the right to drive legally.

They'll have to wait a little bit longer, though the DMV moved Monday to accommodate them.

Three new DMV processing centers opened Monday, including one in Granada Hills and another in Stanton, to accommodate the expected influx of drivers license applications caused by California law AB 60.

One-and-a-half million people are expected to apply under AB60.

But that law, which requires the department to issue licenses to applicants with proof of identity but no proof of legal presence in the U.S., won't go into effect until January. The Granada Hills office was turning away people hoping to apply for a license under the law Monday morning.

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