Watch the Best Speeches From Night 3 of the Democratic Convention

NBCUniversal, Inc. Watch the best moments from the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Footage provided is a mixed feed and is a joint effort by the pool and the DNCC.

Night three of the mostly virtual Democratic National Convention was full of addresses from some of the nation's most prominent politicians and leaders.

Here are some of the top speeches from Wednesday night:

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., who was shot in the head in 2011 and spent years re-learning to walk and talk, spoke during a powerful segment on gun violence Wednesday night.

"I have not lost my voice," she said. "America needs all of us to speak out, even when you have to fight to find the words."

Watch former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ full address during the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Footage provided is a mixed feed and is a joint effort by the pool and the DNCC.

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Estela Juarez, Daughter of US Marine and Deported Immigrant

The 11-year-old daughter of a U.S. Marine and an undocumented immigrant who was deported in 2018 delivered a searing critique of President Donald Trump's immigration policy. Estela Juarez said her father, a naturalized American citizen who immigrated from Mexico, voted for Trump in 2016 because he thought Trump would protect military families. "Now, my mom is gone. Instead of protecting us, you tore our world apart."

The third night of the Democratic National Convention featured 11-year-old Estela whose mom was deported shortly after her father, a U.S. Marine, voted for President Donald Trump. "Now, my mom is gone," she said. "Instead of protecting us, you tore our world apart."

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham praised former Vice President Joe Biden as someone who will lead on the "critical issue" of climate change. Speaking from a solar array in northern New Mexico, she boasted about the steps New Mexico has taken towards renewable energy even as the Trump administration rolls back environmental protections.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the first woman to serve as speaker of the House, called out Trump for his "disrespect for facts, for working families, and for women in particular," disrespect she said she's "seen firsthand."

Pelosi contrasted Biden as having a "heart full of love for America" against Trump’s “heartless disregard for America’s goodness.”

Watch House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's full address during the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Footage provided is a mixed feed and is a joint effort by the pool and the DNCC.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Former 2020 hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., gave a subtle nod to the Black Lives Matter movement during her speech Wednesday night. While the former school teacher spoke at an early childhood education center in Springfield Massachusetts, of the struggle working parents face to find affordable child care, in the background the acronym "BLM" was spelled out in block letters in kids' cubbies.

Watch Sen. Elizabeth Warren's full address during the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Footage provided is a mixed feed and is a joint effort by the pool and the DNCC.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton reminded Americans of her 2016 loss despite winning 3 million more votes than Donald Trump as she urges Democrats not to sit the election out so he can’t “sneak or steal his way to victory.” Recalling a moment when Trump asked Black voters in 2016 what they had to lose by supporting him, Clinton said: “Now we know.”

Watch former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deliver her full address during the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Footage provided is a mixed feed and is a joint effort by the pool and the DNCC.

Former President Barack Obama

Trump's predecessor, former President Barack Obama, delivered a searing takedown of the current president while presenting Biden and Harris as the ones who will "lead this country out of these dark times." He also called on young people and those disillusioned with politics to vote, saying, "You can give our democracy new meaning. You can take it to a better place."

Watch former President Barack Obama deliver his full address during the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Footage provided is a mixed feed and is a joint effort by the pool and the DNCC.

Vice President Nominee Kamala Harris

The first Black woman on a major party ticket, Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for vice president Wednesday night.

The California senator attacked the current president, saying, “Donald Trump's failure has cost lives and livelihoods." She later added, "Right now, we have a president who turns our tragedies into political weapons. Joe will be a president who turns our challenges into purpose."

Watch Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for vice president, deliver her full address during the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Footage provided is a mixed feed and is a joint effort by the pool and the DNCC.
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