Angels Won't Clip their ‘Los Angeles' Wings

The iron fist of the law came down in what could be one of the most contentious sports-related trials in recent memory: Will the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim change their name back to just the simpler and more geographically-correct Anaheim Angels?


According to the OC Register, the "4th District Court of Appeal ruled late Friday against the city of Anaheim, which has been fighting to overturn the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim name for nearly four years.

So much fighting over a name, and at quite the price tag: "The city spent $4 million in its attempt to restore the Anaheim Angels name through the 2006 trial," which is why they opted to put a cap on their spending ($150k) on the appeal.

It stands to reason, though, that the current name is reasonable; the team did begin, after all, as the Los Angeles Angels in 1961, and played their first season at LA's own Wrigley Field.

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