Children Celebrate Anti-Gang Effort With Bookstore Shopping Spree

The children, residents at an apartment complex plagued by gangs, received gift cards for a visit to Barnes and Noble

Children who live in an apartment complex that has been the target of an anti-gang operation for the past two years went on a shopping spree Monday with the police chief.

The children, residents at an apartment complex on Warwick Avenue in Thousand Oaks, shopped for books and other gifts at a Barnes and Noble store with Chief Tim Hagel, who spearheaded an effort to reduce crime and steer young residents away from gangs. The officers also started a study club at the complex, converting the apartment building's laundry room into a place for students to do homework.

"There's no question in my mind that out of these 40 kids, not one will be a gang member," said Hagel. "They're not imprinting on the gang members. They're imprinting on teachers, educators, youth counselors. We have librarians that meet with them... and police officers."

Gang violence has plagued the apartment complex for about two decades, but law enforcement officers and the Conejo Recreation and Park District have been working to rid the area of its gang presence for the past two years. The effort included regular meetings between officers and the apartment's young residents.

The number of gang members in the city, which contracts with the Ventura County Sheriff's Department for police services, has dropped steadily over the past decade, from 300 to about 172, according to the city's website.

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