UCLA Water Main Break by the Numbers

A ruptured water main blew a 15-foot sinkhole in Sunset Boulevard near UCLA, flooding buildings on campus and stranding cars in several feet of water and mud.

30 inches: Size of water main.

35,000 gallons per minute: Amount of water flowing through gushing pipe before being brought under control Tuesday. 

20 Million: Estimated number of gallons lost as of 4 p.m. Wednesday. 

3.5 Hours: Amount of time the water main gushed.

Up to 30 feet: Height of geyser at its peak.

15-foot diameter: Size of sinkhole.

Nearly 3: Number of lanes sinkhole spanned.

1921: Year pipe built.

1929: Year UCLA's Westwood campus opened.

93 Years: Age of Sunset/UCLA pipe. 

2009: Last major trunkline rupture at Coldwater Canyon break on a 62-inch pipe. 

$150 Million: Amount budgeted on mainline pipe repairs by LADWP. 

14: Number of LADWP crews dedicated to mainline replacement in the city. 

7,200 Miles: Length of LA pipe system managed by LADWP. 

3-4: Average number of breaks a day in the water system LADWP responds to.

160,000 Feet: Amount of mainline that the LADWP has replaced in the past two years.

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