Rose Parade

Admire the Rose Floats, After the Parade, at Floatfest

The highly visual happening, which takes place near the end of the Rose Parade route, is ticketed.

ROBYN BECK / Contributor

What to Know

  • Jan. 1 and 2, 2022
  • $20 (tickets are timed)
  • Sierra Madre Boulevard and Washington Boulevard in Pasadena

January 2?

It isn't a day that many people associate with the Rose Parade, a New Year's Day tradition.

There is an "unless" to that statement, however. The Rose Parade takes place on New Year's Day unless the first of January falls on a Sunday. (The venerable spectacular is moved to the next day, in this occasional case.)

But the second day of the first month does play a prominent and playful role in the larger Rose Parade outlook.

True, the pomp-packed procession wraps up around midday on Jan. 1, but the parade floats remain on view on both Jan. 1 and 2, making that the true final day of the festivities.

That will again be the colorful case in 2022, when Floatfest: A Rose Parade Showcase presented by Avelo Airlines, flowers at the corner of Sierra Madre Boulevard and Washington Boulevard in Pasadena on Jan. 1 and 2.

Note that this destination is a bit removed from the sections of Orange Grove Boulevard and Colorado Boulevard that the floats move along during the parade.

The parade's official "after-show" presents quite the stunning scene, with dozens of huge parade floats, those picturesque petal-covered works of art, all gathered in one spot.

Well, "one spot" includes a notably large area, and visitors can expect to cover "a distance of approximately 2.5 miles," which parade organizers say takes about two hours.

The outdoor event, which will happen on the afternoon of Jan. 1 and throughout the day on Jan. 2, is ticketed, and you'll need to purchase your $20 entry before you go, and review the Floatfest safety policies, too.

One treat among many? The wizards behind these rolling wonders are often present, and visitors can ask questions about how these mammoth and marvelous machines came together over many months (and, yes, sometimes years).

Pictured: The Northwestern Mutual float "Spend Your Life Living" participates in the 131st Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, January 1, 2020.

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