
Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch to Sprout in Culver City

The adorable fall tradition will feature gourds, activities, and sweet spots for the perfect snapshot.

Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch

What to Know

  • Oct. 7 through 30, 2022; tickets will be available soon
  • 10100 Jefferson Boulevard in Culver City
  • A special Trick or Treat Spooktacular is scheduled for 5 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 29

You can hatch a plan to have a great fall, the sort of season that is brimming with crisp (or at least crisp-ish) outings around Southern California, and caramel-topped treats, and all of those adorable costume parades.

But to "patch" a plan is something a bit different: That means you intend to call upon one or more of our region's gourd-packed places, charming spots that brim with sweet snapshot opportunities, hands-on activities, and the chance to depart with a delightful pumpkin or two.

And if you're ready to start hatching, er, patching plans now, look to Culver City and Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch, one of the spunky stalwarts of our area come autumn.

Why do we can this long-running pumpkin pop-up "spunky"?

It has loads of festive flavor, from the picturesque Pumpkin Villages, tasty snacks, oversized rocking horses, spider bounces, and the super-wholesome, ultra-homespun straw maze.

Mr. Bones is also known for popping up in magazines, on entertainment sites, and in the general ether of squash-seeking celebrities, for the patch has gained a reputation as the go-to spot for movie stars eager to address their fall-decorating needs.

If you're trying to recall if you called upon Mr. Bones, which has popped up at a few westside addresses over the decades, when you were but a tiny tot, perhaps you did: The annual autumn fest is celebrating its 35th anniversary in 2022.

Tickets to the patch will be "coming soon," so be sure to keep a flickering eye on this site for all your jack o'lantern needs.

Ready to patch a plan?

Lots of people are: Start here, at one of the true "institutions" — or perhaps "eek-stitutions" — of Los Angeles, one of the season's bones-iest bastions of family-style fall sweetness.

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