Pop-Tarts Meet Cupcakes, for a Limited Time, at Sprinkles

It's a mash-up that boasts breakfast panache and dessert-focused delight. The middle? Think a gooey, yummy strawberry jam.

Sprinkles Cupcakes

What to Know

  • Sprinkles Cupcakes bakeries
  • Through Jan. 30, 2022
  • Find it at the Sprinkles Cupcake ATM, too

Putting two tasty ideas together? Culinary adventurers have done exactly this for, well, eons, adding one type of food to the top or middle of another type of food, all to see if the resulting new foodstuff is appetizing or not.

But sometimes, when things are closer in nature, they don't always seem like a natural pairing. Those aforementioned adventurers are seeking out the outlandish edible experiences, and not those mash-ups feel more neighborly in theme.

Take the Pop-Tart, that morningtime, warm-it-up pastry, and the cupcake, which definitely does not go in a toaster but is also from the pastry branch of the food tree.

Both of these goodies can and often do boast gooey middles, and lovely, flavorful toppings, but putting them together? Maybe they're too closely related, but few have likely tried.

At least in an official capacity, but Sprinkles Cupcakes is going there, for the rest of January, or nearly, all to delight those sweet-toothers that dig both the breakfast staple and a classic cupcake.

Available through Jan. 30, the Pop-Tart Cupcake includes a center of oozy 'n awesome strawberry jam, which is really a central factor in making anything more Pop-Tart-ish, but that's not the only element that recalls the toaster treat.

Look for sugar crystals on top of the cupcake, and a vanilla buttercream frosting, and, wait for it, a petite Pop-Tart on top of the whole jammy, frosting-fun shebang.

This isn't the first time that Sprinkles Cupcake, which was founded in Southern California in 2005, has visited the realm of breakfast classics.

The company unveiled a limited-time Cinnamon Roll Cupcake just ahead of Thanksgiving 2021, another mash-up of two sort-of-kind-of similar sweets that truly deserved their own yummy union.

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