
Sloth Yoga Will Soon Drop by Our Screens

The adorable event, a stay-at-home happening, is a helpful fundraiser for the Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar.

Wildlife Learning Center

What to Know

  • Sunday, Aug. 2 from 9-10 a.m.
  • $25 per household
  • The Sylmar center is open for private tours only

Perfecting your cat-cow? Practicing your sun salutations? Trying out some twists, all so you can raise your personal practice to a higher level?

Humans who roll out their yoga mats with frequency frequently seek to polish those poses while authentically connecting with their centers.

But even as we people practice, practice, and practice some more, there are those bend-strong, twist-comfortable critters that already seem as to have the classic yoga flows well-memorized.

Take sloths, those ever-centered and always sweet tree-loving mammals, they of the big claws, lengthy limbs, and heart-melting expressions.

Sloths are connected to methodical movement and sloooow stretches already, as a way of life, meaning they provide ideal and adorable inspiration for human yogis.

The Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar is home to two two-toed sloths named Pauley and Sid, and it just so happens that this dynamic duo has kindly cleared their Sunday morning schedule for their at-home fans.

Make that Sunday, Aug. 2. That's when Sloth Yoga, a popular past pop-up for the center, goes virtual, all to raise funds for the center and elicit awwws and ohhhs from people practicing from afar.

The "awwws" are because sloths are so dang irresistible, of course, and the "ohhhs" come from those deep yoga poses.

It's $25 for your whole house, so line up the mats and tell your sloth-obsessed family members.

And as a special and education-minded treat?

A biologist'll visit with participants after yoga concludes, all to take any questions themed to Pauley and Sid, questions that may range from what they eat to how they sleep to why they're just so unbelievably cuddly.

Well, that last question probably won't be asked, but we can certainly think it. You're probably thinking it, too.

For all the details on the spirit-raising fundraising event, which stretches, sloth-style, from 9 to 10 a.m., do reach out from whatever branch you're currently occupying and find out more.

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