
The LA County Yarn Crawl Celebrates Some of Our Region's Best Shops

Knitters, crocheters, and lovers of the textile arts: The best worsted weekend is just ahead.

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What to Know

  • Los Angeles County Yarn Crawl
  • April 20-23, 2023
  • Thirteen local shops will feature special events, deals, tote bags, complimentary patterns, and more

Like a TBR stack, the to-be-read books that sit on your nightstand, the TBK basket sits in many knitters' homes.

What's a TBK basket? It's the gorgeous and soft heap of colorful skeins of yarn waiting to be transformed into scarves, shawls, hats, and sweaters, a fashionable future that's just a few needle clicks away.

This is a good thing, of course; a plush pile of pretty or pleasant things is a hope-filled sight, one that says that the future is full of promise and fun moments.

How, though, to find the inspiration to turn to your TBK basket — or TBC basket, if you're a crocheter, or TBW basket, if weaving is your love — and get going on all of the projects you'd like to complete?

The Los Angeles County Yarn Crawl may be the best path to take, or, if you prefer, the worsted. (Indeed, worsted wool is a central material in so many beautiful handmade textiles, hence the pun.)

You won't need to follow a long strand of bright yarn to the annual crawl's thirteen participating shops, for that would have to be one super-lengthy strand, a cord connecting cities across our sizable region.

The Scene

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Rather, you'll want to consult the event's site to find out where to locate these lovely stores, which sell yarn, yes, but also help knitters and crocheters in so many meaningful ways, including building a creative community based on kindness, inspiration, and support.

And from April 20 through 23? That support will be out in fuzzy force, with special giveaways (think tote bags), prizes, free patterns, and lots more afoot.

Or "aneedle" or "ahook," if you prefer.

The participants on the 2023 lineup include BUKU Yarns in La Verne, Phebie's NeedleArt in Claremont, and Gather DTLA.

Something that's as nice as a complimentary pattern or acquiring a colorful tote with the 2023 Los Angeles County Yarn Crawl logo, a bag that's perfect for holding your supplies?

Finding new friends in the knitting, weaving, or felting communities, a creative camaraderie that may show lasting power for decades to come.

Much like the last sweater or mittens you so cunningly and creatively knitted.

Ready to take a dive into your to-be-knitted basket?

First, explore the stores of the Los Angeles County Yarn Crawl, show your support, pick up a pattern or two, and maybe meet a new best friend who knows the worsted world well.

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