The Natural History Museum's Free Science Soirées Return

First Fridays are back, virtually, with great discussions (focusing on the lessons of the last year) and great music.

Natural History Museum

What to Know

  • Friday, Feb. 5 from 6-8 p.m.
  • Free (but do RSVP) on Zoom and Youtube
  • Science-themed discussion + a virtual DJ lounge

Pondering some of our most prominent and consistent #fridayfeelings, even in a world that has changed a lot over the course of eleven eventful months?

We want our Fridays to still be full, and even a little festive, and if that means some excellent music, or some riveting conversation, or a combination of the two, even better.

But finding such mood-lifting, mind-broadening social moments in our stay-at-home spheres can be, for sure, challenging.

That's where the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County can help.

For the institution is bringing back its popular, first-half-of-the-year series First Fridays, in a virtual format.

The museum offered a few First Fridays in 2020 online, good memory. But before that?

The series, which usually popped up on the first Friday of each month over the first half of each year, was an in-person, listen-to-tunes, stroll-around-the-museum affair.

Now the museum will be coming to us, where we live, on Feb. 5 from 6 to 8 in the evening.

As mentioned, it's free to see, but you'll want to RSVP.

Every First Friday has a main throughline, and the February 2021 event will explore "Solace in Science," part of the larger season's focus of "First Fridays Connected: L.A. at the Intersections."

The theme?

Here's what the Exposition Park museum, which is temporarily closed to in-person visits, says: "What are the lessons learned from 2020 and how do we move forward and heal? The global pandemic revealed no clearer truths — socioeconomic disparities in health, employment, and education are widespread within our communities, and human connection and culture are vital to our survival."

"Science can save the day. How can we ensure all communities find hope and solace in science?"

Adding to the evening's ebullient vibe is music, as is terrific tradition with the series.

Vagabon will provide the "dreamy indie rock and electronic pop" following the discussion, while KCRW Resident DJ Novena Carmel will spin super sounds at 6:15, before the talk time gets going.

For all the scintillating details, and to RSVP, click.

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