When This Tree's Top Couldn't Be Reached, LAFD Helped Out

LAFD Fire Station 48 firefighters kindly placed the star atop the Downtown San Pedro Christmas tree after the decorating team had tried twice.

Downtown San Pedro

What to Know

  • Downtown San Pedro
  • The decorating team couldn't reach the top of the 18-foot-tree
  • The free-to-see tree will be on view at 6th and Mesa through New Year's Day

A bit of generous assistance, or a helping hand, or someone who can get to the spot that you can't quite reach?

We all appreciate shows of kind-hearted community spirit, both at the holidays and all year long.

And that's just what Los Angeles Fire Department Fire Station 48 did for the local team attempting to put the finishing touch on a tall fir located in Downtown San Pedro.

If you just guessed that the "finishing touch" was the sparkly star meant for the highest point of the Christmas tree, you'd be correct.

But after two tries, staffers from the Downtown San Pedro Business Improvement District couldn't quite install the shiny bauble atop the 18-foot-tall tree.

"We had tried two other times and we were unable to reach the top of the tree and I realized that this was a job for LAFD to do," said Gianine Rizzi, Events Manager for the Downtown San Pedro Business Improvement District (PBID).

"I contacted friends at CD-15 to connect us quickly with the LAFD and after the call was placed to Deputy Chief Villanueva, the team showed up in a matter of minutes."

Several passersby stopped to watch, in a socially distant fashion, as the firefighters employed a ladder to reach the sizable shrub's pinnacle point.

"We were happy to bring some Christmas cheer to the community," said Deputy Chief Ronnie Villanueva.

"COVID can't break the Christmas spirit of the LAFD and all of us that are trying to make the best of a difficult situation."

Photos of the star-placing event were shared with the public on Dec. 19, 2020.

Eager to see the nicely adorned tree, as well as the star that summoned the sweet and noble efforts of the local fire station?

The can't-miss-it sight will sparkle at the corner of 6th and Mesa in Downtown San Pedro through New Year's Day.

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