Join a Stay-at-Home Plunge Fundraiser for Special Olympics

There's no need to find a chilly lake or pond; you can create your own frosty fundraiser, wherever you happen to be.


What to Know

  • April 1-May 1, 2021
  • Supporters are encouraged to raise $125 or more
  • You can help raise funds for "... virtual programs through the summer and prepare for a safe return to play after July 16, 2021"

TAKING A SPRINGTIME DIP? It can be quite the bracing experience, depending on the lake or creek or pond or river or swimming pool you've chosen. Even if the calendar reads "April," and bright flowers are blooming across California, the H2O near you might be on the frostier side. But that hasn't stopped a caboodle of good-hearted people from taking the big spring plunge in years gone by, all with a very good cause in mind: Raising funds for Special Olympics Northern California.

THE PLUNGE IS STILL ON... for 2021, but with a twist: Participants are encouraged to find their own splashy spot, rather than journeying to a place where other plungers will gather. Sharing your Plunge snapshots online, all to add strength and encouragement to others? Definitely encouraged. Planning to take the Plunge from April 1 through May 1, 2021? That's the window suggested by organizers. Raising $125 or more? There's the good goal to keep in mind, whether you're "... running through a sprinkler, dunking in an ice bath, getting soaked with the hose."

THE PLUNGE KICKOFF CEREMONY... will start things off, and keeping up on the social media scene, throughout April, is a great, get-inspired idea for prospective and seasoned Plungers. "We're excited to keep the Plunge spirit going this year, even if it looks a little different," said David Solo, president and CEO of SONC. "The virtual option is a fun way for our community to come together, get creative, and promote inclusion to benefit our athletes. It’s been a tough year for all of us, and our athletes miss being out on the field with their coaches, volunteers and supporters. The Plunge will raise critical funds to help us keep athletes fit and connected."

FIND MORE INFORMATION... on joining in, fundraising, and what to expect on this stay-at-home, but-stay-connected fundraiser that will help so many Special Olympics athletes connect with future programs, events, and ways to achieve their dreams. Read up now, give-back plungers, on Plunge 2021.

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