The Big Bear Polar Plunge will raise funds for Special Olympics; sign up now

Don a costume and head to the mountains for the March meet-up; if you don't want to plunge, you can still donate.


What to Know

  • Big Bear Polar Plunge 2024
  • March 16, 2024
  • Everyone may donate, near or far, to help support Special Olympics Inland Empire

BIG BEAR LAKE? It's a glittery marvel of some renown. We've admired its loveliness on the big screen, and small screen, too, and the sizable body of water even serves as the blue and beautiful backdrop to the nest of Jackie and Shadow, the obsessed-over Big Bear bald eagles. If you reside in Southern California for long enough you'll likely encounter it somewhere, see it in a movie, picnic on its shore, or perhaps even take a boat out onto it, but swim? That feels like something straight from the bucket list. And if you do take a dip, chances are you'll make a splash in the warm heart of summertime (in one of the permitted areas, of course). But a band of hearty give-backers will dash into the mountain lake in the middle of wintry March, all to help raise funds for Special Olympics Inland Empire. Special Olympics is "the world's largest sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities: with 4.4 million athletes in 170 countries — and millions more volunteers and supporters." Eager to show your support? You can, by joining this event or donating.

POLAR TRADITION: Chilly swims held in honor of Special Olympics, an important organization that serves as a "global and social movement," have become a well-attended tradition around California's higher elevations, with past plunges taking place in Lake Tahoe as well as Folsom Lake, as well as other splashy spots from Santa Cruz to Sacramento. The Big Bear Polar Plunge will do the brrr-tastic dash on March 16 and registration is now open. Participants are invited to "(r)un, walk, or dance into the chilly waters of Big Bear Lake" that day, and if you're rocking a costume, well, you'll be in creative and quirky company. Some teams go for an outlandish theme, but if you're plunging as an individual, you can still go the distance with a garish get-up, all to get into the playful swing. The minimum donation is $50 and pledging funds without plunging? That's most welcome, too.

SIGN UP NOW: There are on-shore activities, if you'd like to cheer on the people taking on the lake, but something important to research ahead of time? The road conditions: Big Bear has experienced more than a few rounds of snow over the past couple of months. Take a dip at this page now for all the Big Bear Polar Plunge 2024 information or swim by the Special Olympics Northern California page for where and when the upcoming 2024 plunges will take place.

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