National Park Service

Visit California Shows Our National Parks the Love

The come-visit organization has been celebrating Lassen Volcanic National Park, and other epic spaces, in honor of National Park Week.


Stock photograph of hiker looking at view in Lassen Volcanic National Park on a sunny day, with Lake Helen and Lassen Peak in the background. (Stock photograph of hiker looking at view in Lassen Volcanic National Park on a sunny day, with Lake Helen a

SPENDING NATIONAL PARK WEEK... at your go-to, must-visit, love-it-bunches national park? Plenty of people choose to do just that, each and every April. But the parks are closed, in response to COVID-19, meaning that park goers became, at least temporarily, park-loving stay-at-homers. Good thing that a number of park-loving organizations, including Visit California, took the time during the celebratory week to connect us with photographs and tales from our favorite spaces, from Yosemite National Park to Pinnacles National Park. And if you love your facts, tidbits, and numbers? Visit California had plenty of those to spread around, all for us to brush up on our park-based trivia while we dream of returning.

IN FACT, the facts flowed on Facebook, and other social pages, courtesy of Visit California, all week long. Love you some Lassen magic? The come-see-us group gave us lots of volcanic infobits about the Northern California national park, including more on the memorably named Bumpass Hell, an in-park spot known for its "hissing steam vents." Do you call yourself a Death Valley devotee? Then you'll surely want to know how many feet below sea level Badwater Basin sits (that would be 282 feet). And if you're looking several dozen species that are unique to one area? You only need to bone up on the finer points of Channel Islands National Park. How have you marked this marvelous week? Go deeper into our state's sublime parks, now, with Visit California.

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