UFOs, redwoods, and beyond: Find the Humboldt-iest happenings this summer

We love you, Humboldt County, and all of your flavorful festivities.

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What to Know

  • The redwood-filled region is known for its offbeat spirit
  • The Kinetic World Championship took place over Memorial Day Weekend, but there are summer fun times still to come
  • Bridgeville Fest features an alien parade and more offbeat doings

SEEKING FAB FUN: When an especially offbeat occasion comes to its quirky conclusion, it can always feel, well, a bit too quick. We didn't get to soak up all of the surreal splendor that we were seeking, in short, and the countdown to next year already feels so very long. These feelings are common for anyone who seeks a more merry take on life, and people who enjoyed the world-famous Kinetic Grand Championship, which took place at the end of May, may be experiencing a dearth of delights and a lack of offbeat temptations. But wait: Humboldt County, the famous home to the people-powered showdown, is full of festive outings throughout the year, and most definitely in the summertime, when every celebration displays a charismatic character that is unmatched by most other events elsewhere. If you're seeking more plucky pastimes, be emboldened, be ebullient, and get ready: Bigfoot, a dog fest, and more are just ahead.

OH YES, AND UFO FUN, TOO: BridgeFest in Bridgeville is setting down its landing gear in August, with a parade of aliens and other cosmic high jinks. But before the space-tastic celebration can alight in the charming town, there is the Bigfoot Daze festival in wonderful Willow Creek on July 8 and several joyful July jamborees featuring great tunes, cute dogs, and so much more. You can peruse the area's annual events on this page — just double-check at each happening's site to make sure it is returning this year — or gaze ahead to the fall, when a quiet (but still quirky) veil settles over the region's bustling summer destinations. Halloween around Humboldt County is always a major draw if you'd like to plan your road trip for October, with haunted houses and eeky sights popping up in Victorian-filled Eureka and other towns.

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