
How to spot a toxic relationship

Family therapist and author, Dr. Regine Muradian and relationship expert and therapist, Dr. Christie Kederian, join CA Live's Jessica Vilchis to explain tell-tale signs on whether you or someone you know is in a toxic relationship and what to do about it.

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You know the saying, "you never know what you have until it's gone", right? Well, same goes for toxic relationships. Unless you are witnessing it on someone else, you may be blindsided by the whole experience and never actually realize you are in it whether it be a romantic one or simply a long-term friendship. This can even happen with your kids. So how do you navigate these situations? How do you tell your child you don't want them hanging out with a certain kid because they are toxic?

According to Dr. Regine Muradian, "having a conversation regarding the change in behavior instead of telling them they are no longer allowed to see that person is important." This allows your child to see what they are doing and how they are acting when that toxic person comes around. Engaging the child in understanding toxic traits early on will also help them out in the future when they encounter other potential toxic traits in friends and partners.

Let's consider adults now. How do you spot a toxic partner or even a long-term friend that has been around for years. What are the tell-tale signs? Dr. Christie Kederian likes to use the "ABC" method.

  • A - awareness. Be aware of what is going on in the relationship.
  • B - boundaries. Set up some boundaries around how much time you spend with the person.
  • C - communication. Communicate with the toxic person what you will and will not accept from them.

So now that you have realized you or someone you know is in a toxic relationship, what to do about this dilemma?! Dr. Regine simply says, "end it. Rip it off like a band-aid. You may be surprised at the other person's reactions." While this may be hard for some, acknowledging your toxic situation is the first step in the right direction. For more help, advice, or counseling from either doctor, you can visit Dr. Regine Muradian on instagram at @dr.reginemuradian or Dr. Christie Kederian on instagram at @thedatedoctorchristie.

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