Due to popular demand, we proudly present Eater LA on Twitter, an up-to-the-second stream of news on the Los Angeles restaurant, bar and nightlife scene. An idea of what to expect: real time resy updates from the field, instant reviews, breaking news dispatches and oh so much more. How it works (aka Where You Come In): by signing up for a Twitter account and following Eater LA, a process that takes all of four seconds, you'll get a live stream of Eater updates—and, if you choose, you can get them via text message, too. Then, when you tweet your intel to "@eaterla," your updates will appear alongside ours for all to see. It's easier than it sounds. And this day, this moment, is far more epic than you might initially believe (kind of a fact). Gratis advice: try it out.
· Eater LA [Twitter/eaterla]
· Cool New Eater/Twitter Mashup [Twitter/eaterla]For more stories from Eater LA, go to la.eater.com.