Good Wave Times: International Surfing Day

Where will you get salty-of-hair and happy-of-spirit?

LET'S TALK STRAIGHT: Every day is Surfing Day around Southern California. Unless the warnings and red flags have been laid down, you'll see someone in a wet suit, astride a board, regardless of temperature or cloud cover or time of year. That's part of the charm of the region, our dedication to being in the water at pretty much all hours, forever in search of the ideal wave. But IInternational Surfing Day happens to be June 20, which means that free lessons, here and there, and surf-themed fundraisers, hither and yon, pop up. Feeling like you want to be out in the Great H20? Here's where to go...

SAN DIEGO SURFRIDER FOUNDATION: If you're in the Ocean Beach area, near "the grassy area next to Veterans Plaza," you can hop into some free lessons from 3 to 7 p.m. Surfboard shapers will also be showing off their work, so if you're simply a board buff who isn't into the active end of the sport, head down and eye some beautiful boardage. And swing by the Surfrider booth to learn more about this fab organization and maybe possibly definitely yes help out.

HERMOSA BEACH PIER: Hurley is setting up shop through 3 p.m. on International Surfing Day with its "Catch Your First Wave" campaign. The upshot? You can catch your first wave with some big surfers, and check it out: equipment will be provided. If you've wanted to try surfing, once, but couldn't find the gumption, this is your jumpstart.

SURFING DAY HAPS: For all the International Surfing Day happenings, and the spirit behind the event, hang ten this way.

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