Snowy Stories: Mammoth Founder Reminisces

Dave McCoy has spent many of his 98 years loving the mountain.

LONG AND HAPPY LIFE: All of us, to make a very general assumption, probably desire a long and/or vigorous and/or happy and/or healthy life, though likely all of the above can apply. And so we pore over top ten lists detailing ways to achieve this, from watching the types of food we consume to changing the sort of media we consume to the amount of water we sip (never enough, it seems). But clearly someone needs to add this bullet point to one of the long 'n healthy lists: Establish a major mountain resort devoted to winter recreation. We know, we know, that sounds a bit more challenging than drinking six tall glasses of water a day, but the results are excellent. The evidence? Mr. Dave McCoy, the hale, hearty, and oh-so-effervescent founder of Mammoth Mountain. Mr. McCoy, a hydro-engineer for the city of Los Angeles, "saw Mammoth and made it his mission 60 years ago when there were only 6 people in Mammoth to build what is now Mammoth Mountain," says a resort rep. 

PURE CAN-DO: You got to love that sort of gumption, foresight, and sheer can-do. There's a new video of Mr. McCoy -- who is approaching his 99th birthday, by the by -- and his memories of founding Mammoth. Oh yeah, and skiing a whole bunch, too. Clearly the way to celebrate your centennial, then, is to work at something big, like the founding of a destination, and then to enjoy it and its health- and spirit-enhancing recreation. Note taken, Mr. McCoy, at this resolution-making time of year.

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