Storecasting: Locali Conscious Convenience on Franklin Avenue

We get more info on Locali Conscious Convenience store opening this fall at 5825 Franklin Avenue from the Fresh & Easy blog. Locali's CEO Greg Horos describes the concept for the chain as a "sustainable version of 7-11" or a "hip version of the mom and pop corner store," with an "emphasis on local and organic food artisans, producers and growers in the inventory line up." You won't find cigarettes, lotto tickets, refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup or genetically modified products.

Designed by Ana Henton (who was just appointed Lecturer at USC School of Architecture) of MASS Architecture & Design, the store will be built to LEED certification standards, and will offer compost disposal and waste recycling. A portion of proceeds will "benefit a variety of local and international charities geared towards improving overall wellness."

All sounds great, but our eyes lit up to read the following from Horos: "I’m most excited that we’re offering exclusively organic and biodynamic wines and beers, too.” Yay! This is the issue with, say, Famima! Great modern convenience store, yes, but you can't stop by on the way to someone's home and pick up a bottle of vino for dinner or beer for a barbecue. No word on where a Locali might hit next, but we'd love to weigh in.
· 'Locali Conscious Convenience:' New Small-Format Hybrid Convenience-Grocery Store Coming to Hollywood, California [Fresh & Easy]
· Storecasting: Locali Conscious Convenience on Franklin [Racked]

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