There Goes the Neighborhood, One Wright House at a Time

All options are on the table when it comes to a Frank Lloyd Wright house that has been on the market for years

If no one is moving in, it might be time for a Frank Lloyd Wright home to move out.

A real estate agent who has been trying to sell a Wright home in Pasadena for two years is considering an unusual option. He's considering clients who would move the La Miniatura to Japan.

The La Miniatura is among two of Wright's experimental textile-block homes that have been on the market. In 2008 agent Crosby Doe listed the partially restored home at $7.7 million, but recently dropped it to under $5 million.

Crosby said it's a longshot, but he has been in discussions with an international art dealer with Japanese art-collector clients who might be interested in buying the house.

"With my position in the preservation community, I will probably be crucified for saying this," Doe told the LA Times. "But we have to consider all options. We moved the London Bridge was moved to the Colorado River. Why couldn't we move this house to Japan?"

Wright built four of the masonry homes in the early 1920s, all in Southern California. The home would be taken apart and rebuilt if it moves (you probably guessed that).

Wright's Ennis House in Los Feliz also is on the market. That prices was chopped to $8 -- about half the original price.

The LA Times took at look at why some of these homes, despite the price drops, aren't selling:

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