"THE LIEUTENANT OF INISHMORE" OPENS: The film "In Bruges" deftly combined dark themes and flinty comedy, so it is no surprise that writer Martin McDonagh is back for more. Chris Pine and Zoe Perry are on the stage, there's a cat called Wee Thomas, there are points made about violence, mayhem and girl-on-boy crushery. At the Mark Taper through August 8
"PETER PAN": It's the 1924 "Peter Pan," all atmosphere and silent-era-ness, and it is playing at the Orpheum, all atmosphere and silent-era-ness, and it is the final Last Remaining Seats of the 2010 season. There were a few tickets left as of yesterday afternoon. The doors go wide at 7 p.m.
"CONFESSIONS OF A PRAIRIE BITCH": Alison Arngrim is signing her look-back at life on "Little House." We were all about Nellie Oleson, kind of fearing her, kind of wanting her ringlet-y hair. Ms. Arngrim couldn't be lovelier or more un-Nellie-like, so go out and pick up her book. Larry Edmunds, 7 p.m.