Earth Day: Pacific Park Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica Turns Green

The Ferris wheel glowed in a variety of green and blue colors for Earth Day on Sunday, April 22

Do you see that green light at the edge of the water? No, not the one from The Great Gatsby – the one at Pacific Park!

The Ferris wheel at the Santa Monica Pier went "green" Sunday for Earth Day with a variety of green and blue colors, patterns and icons.

Even though it changed its hue Sunday, the Pacific Wheel is dedicated to being green year-round. The attraction is the world’s only solar-powered Ferris wheel and features over 174,000 LED lights. That makes this eco-friendly ride more energy efficient than most Ferris wheels.

Eager to take a look? The ferris wheel light show starts at sunset around 7:31 p.m. and ends at midnight. 

Even better news? Pacific Park at the Santa Monica Pier is free and offers 12 amusement rides plus an oceanfront food plaza.

Scratch those wine-and-cheese plans you made tonight and head on over to the Santa Monica Pier for this annual sightseeing event.

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