Hi-Yo Silver, Away… From Avenue K

LANCASTER, Calif. -- The relocation of a "musical road" was music to the ears of residents near Avenue K in Lancaster.

The "musical road" on West Avenue K, west of 66th Street west, has been relocated to a stretch of Avenue G near 30th Street West because of complaints from residents, a city official said Thursday.

The grooved pavement, featured in a recent Honda commercial, "played" a portion of the William Tell Overture -- also known as the theme to "The Lone Ranger" -- when a vehicle drove over it at 55 mph, said Joseph Cabral of the city of Lancaster.

Similar roads have been built in Japan and South Korea.

American Honda paid for the promotion as part of a television ad campaign, but amateurs peppered YouTube with homemade renditions of their own vehicles rolling over the grooves.

The road was "tuned" to a car the same length and with tires the same size as a Honda Civic, although other vehicles could also "play" the notes, if a little off-key.

But neighbors in a nearby subdivision complained that the noise kept them awake at night, prompting the city to have the grooves moved to another location.

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