Los Angeles

Another Day and Night of Unrest Mars SoCal Protests

With looting again seen in the LA area, officials hope the restrictions will quell overnight violence.

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What to Know

  • LA County has issued a curfew from 6 p.m. Sunday to 6 a.m. Monday
  • Restrictions will also be in effect in some Orange County cities
  • Looters were seen in several Santa Monica shops

Thousands of protesters marched through downtown Los Angeles tSunday, ostensibly protesting the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and ended up massing in front of the City Hall steps on Spring Street.

About 5 p.m., those demonstrators were met by a line of National Guardsmen and Los Angeles police who positioned themselves in front of the steps to protect City Hall. Multiple military Humvies lined First Street alongside City Hall.

The crowd which had initially gathered at downtown's Pershing Square, not far from where National Guard units were staging at the Convention Center, remained peaceful but confrontational with authorities.

Periodically, demonstrators yelled chants at the guard and LAPD that included, “I can't breathe,” “No justice, no peace,” “Black lives matter'” and “George Floyd, George Floyd.”

Those demonstrators appeared to angrily verbally confront the guardsmen, according to media reports from the scene. Around 6:30 p.m. the demonstrators shifted their position about 200 feet to more actively confront the guardsmen.

About 7:30 p.m. the LAPD began setting up a picket line and moving protesters north on Spring as they began to disperse the crowd.


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A protest in Santa Monica was mostly peaceful until some began looting stores around the 3rd Street Promenade.

Meanwhile, a countywide curfew was issued today in Los Angeles from 6 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Monday, as new violence and looting broke out in Santa Monica following what was ostensibly a demonstration against the police killing.

National Guard troops arrived early Sunday in downtown L.A. to help restore order after a weekend of sometimes violent protests and looting.

Exceptions to the curfew were being made for first responders, people going to and from work, and anyone seeking or giving emergency care. All others risked possible arrest if on the streets during the curfew, and some people were in fact arrested.

Santa Monica officials imposed a curfew from 4 p.m. Sunday through 5:30 a.m. Monday. A few hundred people started marching down Ocean Boulevard around noon Sunday, many holding signs protesting the killing of Floyd. That march was peaceful, but a short time later, looting was reported at several stores in Santa Monica Place shopping center and on nearby Fourth Street, and many people carried merchandise and ran out of stores that had been broken into.

The city's police department urged the public to avoid downtown, and LAPD units were assisting Santa Monica police.

The 10 Freeway was shut down near its western edge around 2 p.m., backing up traffic to the 405 Freeway.

Guad Venegas reported on NBC4 News on Sunday, May 31, 2020.

As far as the downtown protesters are concerned, their massing at Pershing Square prompted Metro to shut down train service at the Pershing Square station.

An LAPD cruiser was caught on social media videos driving into a crowd of demonstrators at Pershing Square, hitting two of them, then backing up and accelerating away from the scene as several protesters were seen throwing objects at the vehicle and others helped the two downed protesters back on their feet.

LAPD later said the pedestrians had not come forward for treatment or to report being a victim. The SUV had been attacked, with its back window shattered.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he hopes the deployment of the National Guard to Los Angeles will be a “very short visit,” but there is no fixed timeline.

Roughly 1,000 guard personnel were deployed after Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency Saturday for all of Los Angeles County.

Looters have cleaned out stores in Santa Monica under the cover of protests. Gadi Schwartz reported on NBC4 News on Sunday, May 31, 2020.

Board of Supervisors Chair Kathryn Barger announced Sunday that she has proclaimed a state of emergency as well, which will facilitate interagency response coordination and mutual aid, accelerate the procurement of vital supplies and enable future state and federal reimbursement of costs incurred by the county.

“This emergency comes as we are in the midst of battling another emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This taxes our resources, but not our resolve,” Barger said. “We will do everything in our power to keep our communities safe and protect lives and property. I continue to call on our residents to maintain calm and seek solutions productively, not destructively.”

A handful of candlelight vigils and other actions in memory of Floyd were held Sunday, including a 3 p.m. protest at Long Beach Police Headquarters and vigils in Compton at 6:30 p.m and Pasadena at 7 p.m.

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Garcetti and Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore praised the restraint of the city's police force, although Moore acknowledged he saw a few instances of improper techniques as police tried to control the sometimes unruly crowds. Moore said he has been handing out business card to demonstrators who complained about police conduct over the weekend. The chief said the department will take complaints from anyone who has an accusation of excessive force or unlawful arrests by the LAPD.

The mayor said a small number of COVID-19 testing sites may not open Monday because workers do not feel safe reporting to those locations, but the city's largest site, at Dodger Stadium, will remain open. Also scheduled to reopen is Kedren Community Health Center at 4211 S. Avalon Blvd.

Garcetti also appealed for demonstrators to remember that the coronavirus pandemic still presents a serious threat.

“The folks that are out there on these streets should not be a victim of this virus because we're not practicing social distancing,” he said.

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