The Scoop on Pet Waste Services

"Too pooped to scoop? Call us."

In a business with limitless demand, there is a large supply of amusing names and slogans.

"Poo Busters -- Too pooped to scoop? Call us."

"DoodyDude -- Our uniformed staff provides quality, professional service."

"Pet Butler -- Mention this 'POOP-ON' and receive one FREE cleaning." A banner on the Murrieta franchise's truck announces, "Your dog's 'Biscuits' are our bread and butter!'" 

You can also contact DoodyCalls, Tidy Tails and Tour of Doodie, for "when your yard looks like a war zone."

But pet cleanup services are more than just a bunch of clever names -- they're smart business. According to a report in the Press Enterprise, people are still willing to pay someone else to do their dirty work, but the economic downturn has slowed business.

About 125 companies are listed with the Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists. Seven California listings appear on the group's website.


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Tim Stone is the national association's treasurer. He's also a scooper, since 1988.

"When (customers) decide between cable and a pooper scooper, we're the first to go," Stone said. "Things will pick up -- no pun intended -- eventually."

The association's membership voted to conduct its annual convention, which includes a "Turd Herding" contest, later this year in San Diego.

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