Nashville Hat Shop Promotes Anti-Vaccine Yellow Star of David Badge

An Instagram post promoting the yellow badge was no longer on Instagram, but the shop defended its product

Hatwrks in Nashville.
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A Nashville hat shop on Saturday stood by its promotion of a yellow badge in the shape of the Star of David emblazoned with the words "NOT VACCINATED" as a few demonstrators protested outside.

Organizers planned an afternoon demonstration at Hatwrks, and social media posts showed a few protesters alongside a banner that read, "NO NAZIS IN NASHVILLE."

An Instagram post featuring the item and teasing forthcoming "trucker caps" with a similar decoration was no longer active Saturday, but Hatwrks appeared to defend its use of an anti-Semitic, Nazi-affiliated symbol as a statement on contemporary vaccination efforts.

In an Instagram post Saturday it said, "all unvaccinated people will be segregated from society, marked & must wear a mask. what comes next?"

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