NBC4 Reporters to Moderate Political Forums

NBC4 is providing moderators for two crucial forums prior to the May 19th runoff election and airing the debates live on “News Raw,” the station’s avant-garde news service that can be seen on NBC4’s Digital Channel 4.2, as well as Charter 304, Cox 804, Time Warner 225 and Verizon Fios 460.

Coverage of the two forums will also be streamed live on NBCLA.com. Mekahlo Medina is the host of “News Raw,” which airs original programming Monday through Friday from Noon to 5 p.m. and during special news events. Questions for the candidates can be sent in advance of and during the Forums through Twitter (Twitter.com/nbc4raw) and 430council@gmail.com.

The questions will be forwarded to the Forum moderators for consideration. NBC4’s Colleen Williams and Robert Kovacik will each participate as a moderator in one of the following forums:


Thursday, April 30:

Hosting Organizations:  Neighborhood Councils of the Westside:  Bel Air Beverly Crest, Encino, Venice, South Robertson, West LA, Westside, Brentwood.  Homeowners Associations:  Rocomare Valley, Encino, Encino Property Owners, Bel Air Crest, Beverly Glen Park, Bel Air, Glenridge, Casiano, Ballina Canyon-Neighborhood Watch.  Coalitions: Coalitions of Homeowners Association
Time:    7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Race(s):  Los Angeles City Attorney- Carmen “Nuch” Trutanich (Invited) and Jack Weiss (Invited); Council Members of Los Angeles, Distric 5 Paul Koretz and David T. Vahedi
Broadcast Information:  Airs live on “News Raw” (Digital Channel 4.2), NBCLA.COM
Format:  Editorial Panel made up of David Lauter, Local Editor LA Times, Mariel Garza, Editorial Editor Daily News and Xandra Kayden, League of Women Voters will pose questions to the Candidates.  League of Women Voters will field and pose audience questions.  Candidates from each race receive 45 minutes to debate the issues.
Location:  Skirball Center -- Magnin Auditorium
Moderator:  Colleen Williams
Audience: Yes
More Info/Tickets: 430tix@gmail.com or 1-310-427-7166

Wednesday, May 6


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Hosting Organizations:  Forum Co-Hosts:  Beverly/Wilshire Homeowners Association, Century City Homeowners Alliance, Cheviot Hills Homeowners Association, Comstock Hills Homeowners Association, Greater West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Overland Avenue Community, Save Westwood Village, Tract 7260 Association, West of Westwood Homeowners Association, Westwood Gardens Civic Association, Westwood Hills Property Owners Association, Westwood Homeowners Association, Westwood South of Santa Monica Homeowners Association.
Time:    7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. City Attorney Candidate Forum;  8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., City Council District 5 Forum
Race(s):  Los Angeles City Attorney-Carmen “Nuch” Trutanich (Invited) & Jack Weiss (Invited); Council Members of Los Angeles, Distric 5 Paul Koretz and David T. Vahedi
Broadcast Information:  Airs live on “News Raw” (Digital Channel 4.2), NBCLA.COM
Location:  Temple Isaiah
Moderater(s):  Robert Kovacik (NBC4) and David Zahniser (Los Angeles Times) – city Attorney Candidates.  Kerry Cavanaugh (Daily News) and Steve Hymon -- City Council District 5 Forum
Audience:  Limited seating,  rsvp and confirmation required.  RSVP to Forum@Tract7260.Org

More Info:  Forum@Tract7260.Org or 310-943-1837

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