Police Step Up Patrols at Venice Beach

Spate of Violence Prompts Added Attention

Los Angeles Police always step up patrols at Venice Beach when the weather becomes warm, but this year, it is in response to a series of violent confrontations at the tourist mecca.

On April 18th, a flash mob that started on Twitter ended in gunfire.

A normally peaceful low-key drum circle on Sunday evenings turned violent on Easter when someone was stabbed.

A Neighborhood Watch organizer, Alex Thompson, said she believes police are serious about turning the situation around.

"In the past they've told us this doesn't warrant immediate action, or we're gonna take this approach, but what's going on now does," she said. "They're very serious about it, they know what's going on."

The regular Venice Beach patrol that serves the area is getting an additional two dozen officers from the West Bureau's Violent Crime Task Force.

Most local residents agreed that this is a start, but it won't solve everything.

"You know Venice is Venice; it's not going to change quickly," said resident Ben Hampshire.


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