Four a.m. along the 210 Freeway eastbound, just west of Ocean View Bouleavard near Montrose and the California Highway Patrol gets a call about an accident. When they arrive, it is a grusome scene.
"The front end of the second vehicle and the rear of the first vehicle," said CHP Officer Andre Primeaux, "both have suffered severe damage."
The driver of the rear semi, a man in his 50s, died on the scene, his cabin crushed. The driver and passenger in the cabin of the front semi were both not hurt but taken to the hospital as a precaution.
Ofc. Primeaux said the driver of the front semi had just entered the freeway and was driving at about 50 mph when the crash happened. "Initially the thought it was a flat tire," he said, "turns out he was rear-ended by a second semi."
A diesel fuel spill had to be cleaned up at the site before three tow trucks were able to move in and pull the two semis apart.
Still no word what caused the accident to happen in the first place.