A Chihuahua named Jack Sparrow, who was once hospitalized and put through rehab after vets found meth in his system, now serves as a comforting pup to patients recovering from alcohol and drug abuse, his owner said Thursday.
Jack Sparrow made headlines in July after his owner brought him into the Inland Valley Emergency Pet Clinic in Upland. Veterinarians said the dog was acting erratically, suffering from seizures and convulsions.
They tested him, and found methamphetamine in his system.
Jack's owner, 21-year-old Isaiah Nathaniel Sais, told the veterinarians the dog may have eaten meth, according to Fontana police.
When the test results came back positive, Sais took off with Jack.
Police arrested Jack Sparrow's owner, and he was taken to doggie rehab.
After Jack Sparrow's detox, a woman who works at an alcohol and drug treatment center adopted Jack.
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The patients benefiting from his company renamed him Micah, which means "new beginnings."
"I think they had an instant bond with him. When he first came in and they heard his story, many of them could relate to him. They seemed to have that instant connection with him, wanted to bond with him and wanted to show him love," said Erin Hill, the pup's new owner.
NBC4's Tony Shin contributed to this report.