US Due for Racial Reckoning, Leaders Say at MSNBC's ‘Everyday Racism in America'

"I think this country is overdue for a truth and reconciliation process in every corner"

Starbucks' move to close thousands of stores on Tuesday for racial-sensitivity training is a major step in opening a national dialogue on racism, civil rights leaders, policy advisers and people affected by discrimination said at a town hall in Philadelphia Tuesday that aired on MSNBC.

"I think this country is overdue for a truth and reconciliation process in every corner," said Heather McGhee, who is president of a public policy organization, Demos, that helped Starbucks prepare for the training.

Tuesday brought another example of a corporation dealing with racism: ABC canceling its hit show "Roseanne" hours after the show's star, Roseanne Barr, tweeted a racist comment about former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett's appearance.

Jarrett, who participated in the town hall, called it a "teaching moment" and said other corporations should follow the example set by ABC and Starbucks when confronting racist behavior.

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