Following a deadly shooting at a high school in Santa Clarita, the school district has announced that Saugus High School will not resume regular instruction until December.
All schools in the William S. Hart Union High School District, with the exception of Saugus High School, will resume their normal schedules of classes, according to Dave Caldwell, the public relations officer for the school district.
Saugus High School, however, will not resume its regular class schedule undil after Thanksgiving, Caldwell said.
The Saugus High School schedule for the upcoming weeek will be as follows:
Monday, Nov. 18
-School remains closed for students
Tuesday, Nov. 19
-Students are welcome to come on to campus to retrieve belongings from 10-12:00.
Wednesday, Nov. 20
-From 10-2:00, optional activities will be planned for Saugus students that involve helping them process, heal and move forward.
Top news of the day
Thursday, Nov. 21
-From 10-12:00, optional activities will be planned for Saugus students that involve helping them process, heal and move forward. (Saugus Staff will be in Professional Development from 12-2)
Friday, Nov. 22
-School remains closed for students
Classes will resume for students after the Thanksgiving break on Monday, Dec. 2, 2019, the district said.