HAVEN'T "HUZZAH'D!" MUCH THIS YEAR? Few of us have, to be frank. For 2020 has been almost fully huzzah-less, in so many difficult ways. But there is a way to connect to a Christmassy, huzzah-ful spirit, without leaving home. And if you're a fan of the grand hotel that grandly sits within Yosemite Valley, inside Yosemite National Park, then you know that things are plenty huzzah-laden at an annual December dinner. It's the Bracebridge Dinner, in fact, a magnificent supper spectacular that extends over several pageant-packed hours. It's a tradition that's been happening at...
THE AHWAHNEE HOTEL... since the 1920s, when famous photographer Ansel Adams served as the Bracebridge's Lord of Misrule. Photographs over the decades tell the decadent and delightful tale of a royal affair that features songs, stories, glittering crowns and joyful jests. This all happens within the spacious and stunning Ahwahnee Dining Room, upping the already notable picturesqueness of the pageant. Have you always wanted to go, or have you been, or do you long to know a bit of what this ye olde extravaganza is all about?
THE BRACEBRIDGE DINNER... team has been sharing memories and snapshots on social media in the days leading up to Christmas. The squire at the center of the action is in the pictures, of course, as are other players in the throwback bash. Even if you're not at the Ahwahnee as 2020 bids us farewell, a sweet scroll through bygone moments will offer a potent and pretty taste of the over-the-top to-do.