This city-wide yard sale takes ‘spring cleaning' to a whole new level

Morro Bay, that beautiful Central Coast hamlet, is the spot for 150+ yard sales, all happening over one mondo weekend.

Shannon Fagan

What to Know

  • 24th Annual City-Wide Yard Sale
  • Morro Bay
  • March 15-17, 2024; 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

COLOSSAL CLOSET CLEANING: We're on the doorstep of springtime, which means that several things are swirling through our busy brain space. Daffodils? Definitely. Sunshine? We do love a few beautiful beams. Desserts made with lemon and/or lavender? Sweets that boast the flavors of the softest season are sublime. Cleaning out the hall closet and deciding what to do with all of the random odds 'n ends that have been cluttering up various shelves and dusty corners for far too long? Yes, our mind has a predictable way of alighting upon this particular task as colder days come to a close. We're not alone, however; plenty of people spy spring on approach and begin to think of hosting a yard sale. We can all find inspiration, and perhaps a few treasures, in one of the biggest yard sales in California, an end-of-winter whimsy synonymous with a Central Coast town for nearly a quarter of a century.

THE 24TH ANNUAL CITY-WIDE YARD SALE... is set to unfurl around picturesque Morro Bay on March 15, 16, and 17. As in past years, people and a few businesses will be selling their wares, too, giving visitors to the large-scale sale plenty to browse. And we do mean "plenty": "The weekend-long communal yard sale will offer a variety of household furnishings, decor and more from over 150 quaint neighborhood sales and sprawling estate offerings," is the good word. "The Morro Bay City-Wide Yard Sale has become a cherished tradition in our community, allowing for visitors and locals to explore unique finds and treasures," said Michael Wambolt, Executive Director of Visit Morro Bay. "Whether you're a seasoned collector, a thrifty shopper, or simply looking for a fun day out, this event promises endless excitement and surprises." Happy browsing, devoted yard-salers; for more info, visit this page now.

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