Stella McCartney Bliss at babyGap

Steeelllaaa! Steeelllaaa! You've done it again. First you went and made the most gorgeous pants, suits and dresses for adults -- which we could scarcely afford back then, but still fondled at your stores and occasionally threw down entire paychecks for. Then you did your H&M collection -- when was that, 2005? -- which we muscled into stores for along with thousands of other eager, budget-conscious McCartney fans.

Now, you've taken your signature style into the realm of the pint-sized, and -- we'll say it -- it's brilliant. The band jacket? The tutu with the wool tights? They're almost enough to make childless fashionistas want to get knocked up. Or at least enough to make women everywhere shop for some kid -- any kid -- for the holidays. Stella McCartney for babyGap, online and in select stores.

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