Rest in Peace, Pablo Gratas

We want to share with our viewers a tragic news story that fills us with sadness.

In a tragic accident, we lost one of our dearest colleagues, Pablo Gratas.

Pablito, as we called him here at Telemundo 52, had always been a great friend, was always striving for excellence, was mindful of his duties, and was always committed to the truth.

To those of us who worked with Pablito daily, we had the opportunity to know him as an individual and learn how great of a husband, father, son, and brother he was.

He was a true professional, honest, excellent journalist, with an enviable sweetness and kindness.

We join the grief felt by his family and us, as his second family at Telemundo 52, we offer our deepest condolences.

Rest in peace our dear friend.

Paul Gratas
1968 – 2016

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