The End of Kimye: Kim Kardashian Declared Legally Single

The judge also finalized dropping West from Kardashian's name

Kim Kardashian (left) and Kanye West (right)
Getty Images

Kim Kardashian became a single woman on Wednesday, nearly eight years after her marriage to Ye.

Kardashian appeared via videoconference and was put under oath in a Los Angeles courtroom.

Judge Steve Cochran asked her a series of questions, including “is it your desire to become a single person?"

Kardashian answered “yes” to all.

“It is granted,” Cochran said.

The judge's move, known as bifurcation, allows a person amid a complicated divorce to become legally single while issues of child custody and property are worked out.

Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, did not attend or take part in the hearing remotely.

He had objected to the move, but Cochran overruled it.

The judge also finalized dropping West from Kardashian's name.

Ye released a new bizarre video the same day called "Eazy" in which claymation Ye buries a claymation version of Pete Davidson up to his neck.

The figure sprinkles red rose seeds on the Davidson lookalike's head which grow into long stem roses, possibly a reference to Valentine's Day. Ye had sent Kardashian a truckload of red roses despite her relationship with Davidson.

The video ends with "And everyone lived happily ever after. Except Skete you know who." Ye has coined the name Skete for Davidson, causing his legion of fans to do the same.

Kardashian, 41, filed for divorce a year ago. Two months later, Ye, 44, filed his response, which agreed on all the major points, including child custody. There were no property fights because a prenuptial agreement was in place.

Ye has also complained on social media that he is not being allowed to make major parenting decisions and has been excluded from birthday parties and other events for their four children.

Inside Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson's Surprisingly Normal Romance

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