90 Percent off Monique Lhuillier's Designer Bridal Gowns

There's no better time to get a really great deal on a wedding dress than right smack dab in the middle of wedding season, when all the summer brides have their dresses on lock, and all the newly engaged are still trying to wrap their heads around what it takes to even plan a wedding, much less what to wear to their own.

Enter Monique Lhuillier, the queen of romantic, feminine, whimsical design, who is launching into a one-day only bridal and read-to-wear sample sale this weekend. The six-hour affair promises prices ranging from 40 to 90 percent off of retail (a Monique Lhuillier wedding gown easily hits the five-figure mark), withall merch offered on an as-is basis. Alterations won't be offered, so if you find that dream gown four sizes too big, you're going to want to nail down a trusted tailor as well. All major credit cards are accepted, and they're using phrases like "first come, first serve" which should be read as "line up before doors open, and bring your A-game."

When: Sunday, July 10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Where: 1201 South Grand Ave, DTLA

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