EYES PEELED: Spotting a mammoth mammal seems like an easy task, but, of course, when that mammal is on a 5,000-mile trek, you do what you can. What you can do, while whale spotting, is party. And some of the biggest whale whoop-di-do-ing is done in Dana Point every late winter. It's nearly time again for the Dana Point Festival of Whales, a celebration that extends over two weekends. Those 2011 weekends are March 5 and 6 and the following Saturday and Sunday, March 12 and 13.
HAPPENINGS: Obviously the whales aren't whoop-di-do-ing -- not much time for that when you're migrating -- but the humans will be putting on a parade and a woodies show and a canoe race. Plus it is Dana Point Restaurant Week to boot, so there'll be plenty of foodly options (not just krill). Since certain things are going on over certain days, you'll want to plan before swimming on up or down to the DP. And if you feel like just hitting the ocean-close trails to watch for whaleage, there'll be a lot of that, too.